Post-Election Full Moon – What Do We Do Now?

Post-Election Full Moon - What Do We Do Now?

ki martinez


I see many people asking online, what do we do now? “Now” that we understand the path forward in this country in a way we didn’t before November 6th. Who will win, whose rules will we play by? What would Kamala’s America look like, what will Trump’s? Now we have more information about what’s coming so, regardless of what we did or could’ve done before, what do we do now?

J. Allen Cross has a great post that I think is helpful in this time when we want to help but are worried about where to start.

In his post I hear Neptune in Aries coming. This transit we’re moving in to next spring is about turning our ideals (Neptune) into action (Aries). Put your money where your mouth is. Are you angry, are you sad? Are you lonely? What are you going to do about it? Process our feelings, yes, but let’s put our hands to work.

Whatever you’re afraid this incoming administration might do, stay up on the news and research if it’s actually being done. If it is, what organizations are out there that you can learn from and help to counter their policies?

What community do you want to serve?

What smaller scale relational work do you want to do?

What internal, heart-centered work do you want to do?

Neptune in Aries values the nitty gritty. Beauty in the unglamorous. Beauty in DIY. Beauty in punk. Be the unsung hero.

Full Moon in Taurus Breakdown 11/15/24 3:29p CT

Let’s take a look at the different components going on in this horoscope, and then synthesize.

Sun-Neptune trine: Susceptible to suggestion, ego is soupy, malleable, truth seeking

Mars-Pluto opposition: Pushing the limit of exertion, anger, power seeking, riled up, ready to act

Taurus moon conjunct Uranus – A normally stable, nourishing moon is disrupted by Uranus causing potential upsets (or good surprises honestly), and nervous system changes. Taurus moon things could generally involve food, plants, nature/wildlife, farming/agriculture, soil. Depending on what house Taurus stewards in your chart, those house topics will give you a better idea to what this upset/surprise indicates personally.

Taurus-Scorpio axis: vulnerability, intimacy, in/security, fixation/obsession, observation and inspection, sovereignty/possession.

The dispositors (final ruler) of the Moon are Jupiter and Mercury (Moon ruled by Venus, who is ruled by Saturn, who is ruled by Jupiter, who is ruled by Mercury, who is ruled by Jupiter, who is ruled by Mercury…and back and forth). So, in addition to Uranus affecting the moon, the Saturn-Jupiter-Mercury T-square plays a big part in this full moon (that I’ll get into in the next section).

So, what does this planetary configuration seem to be telling us, in my opinion?

Look out for stories that might be rooted in a seed of truth, but have gotten so warped that they are no longer fully true….

And realize that so much of the messaging we hear is like a game of telephone. Warped by people’s internal filters, bias, personal motivation.

A lot of things in life aren’t totally true or totally false, so the truest answer out there can be tricky to ascertain. It requires us to look at a thing from different angles…from different journalists, news outlets with different ideologies if we’re talking news and politics, or from different people’s perspectives if it’s a personal situation. 

And unless we learn how to check our internal bias and ask critical questions, we’ll just stay in an information searching loop, constantly gobbling up new info but never seeing anything differently. And likely, never seeing things accurately. 

The hope is that we come from a place internally that is as clear and trustworthy as possible so we can accurately sense people’s motivations, insecurities, needs, agenda’s, etc.

Are you reacting or observing when you take in information? 

Your nervous system may be understandably in overdrive, but know that if it is, it is affecting your ability to understand things clearly. 

In light of these times, I really caution all of us against letting our fear and anger bring us to conclusions that we haven’t actually: researched from many sides or at least have tried to critically consider how something could be true. 

Jupiter (retrograde) in detriment has been about hearing everyone’s stories indiscriminately. “That’s interesting” it says as it gathers and files away, instead of immediately making a judgement on the info. 

Mercury in detriment opposing Jupiter is ready to run with any and all of these ideas and imaginings for better or worse.

Saturn in a t-square with these 2 is actually a saving grace bringing a level of skepticism, narrowing down, and consequence of action. So hopefully, amidst all the swirling info and emotions we can put a critical eye on it all and block out the noise, and center our energy into a place of observation. Not judging, just observing…. 

Try to poke holes in your own stories…as an exercise.

I’m not trying to tell you what to think – on the contrary. Under this full moon, it seems like a time to practice being flexible with how we think. If we let our perspectives and filters for receiving information crystallize, we’ll never be able to adapt to cultural changes or see or hear each other. Then, we’re just asking to manifest the civil war vibes Neptune in Aries and Uranus in Gemini have brought in the past…